July 3, 2024

MUNICIPAL OFFICER (BPS-17) Unofficial key/result Dated: Monday, 29th MAY 2023

Please check your marks for the post of MUNICIPAL OFFICER (BPS-17) Unofficial key/result Dated: Monday, 29th MAY 2023 in the Local Government Department, Government of Sindh. We are proud to announce that we are sharing the unofficial key along with the question paper first. We wish you the best of luck with your results! Date: Monday, 29th MAY 2023



Monday, 29th MAY 2023                                                                                    Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:                                      ROLL NO.

  1. Attempt all Questions. Each wrong answer will result in deduction of half (0.5) mark.
    Maximum Marks: 100
  2. Write your Roll Number, Name, Father’s Name & Centre, and sign your answer Sheet within the space provided. Ensure Type of Paper (A, B, C & D) is marked on the answer sheet, failing which the candidate will be disqualified.
  3. Do not write the above details anywhere else on the Answer sheet. Doing so will render the candidates disqualified.
  4. Follow Instructions on the Answer sheet to mark your responses correctly. Answer carefully by filling one of the appropriate blank cells provided in the Answer sheet with a Black/Blue ball pen only. Please keep your marking within the Cell being attempted to avoid Multiple Cell marking.
  5. THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE AVOIDED TO PREVENT ANSWERS BEING CONSIDERED WRONG: (A) Multiple Marking. (B) Marking out of Cell. (C) Use of Eraser/Correcting fluid.
  6. Return your Question Paper and Answer sheet after completion of the Paper.



I don’t really want to go. Besides, it’s too late now.
(Identify the underlined word Besides).

  1. Preposition
  2. Adverb
  3. Conjunction
  4. Noun

These figures do not bode well for the company’s future.

(Identify the underlined word bode).

  1. Adjective
  2. Adverb
  3. Preposition
  4. Interjection

The family was staunchly Protestant.

(Identify the underlined word staunchly).

  1. Adjective
  2. Adverb
  3. Preposition
  4. Interjection

It is a small car, yet it is surprisingly spacious.

(Identify the underlined word yet).

  1. Conjunction
  2. Adverb
  3. Preposition
  4. Interjection

Our Defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.
(Identify the underlined word nevertheless).

  1. Conjunction
  2. Adverb
  3. Preposition
  4. Interjection

Altaf was acquitted after whirlwind trial.
(Choose the opposite of underlined word whirlwind).

  1. very soon
  2. very slow
  3. very fast
  4. wonderful

    The diurnal rotation of the earth is regular.
    (Choose the opposite of underlined word diurnal).
  5. nocturnal
  6. measured
  7. imperceptible
  8. rational

His health degenerated quickly.
(Choose the opposite of underlined word degenerated).

  1. Inexpert
  2. Acute
  3. Active
  4. Able

They managed to leave without any of us realized. (Identify error).

  1. Managed
  2. Leave
  3. Without
  4. realized

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all of you. (Identify error).

  1. Last
  2. The
  3. Would like
  4. All of you

Name the person who discovered Australia in 1606:

  1. Henry Hudson
  2. William Janszoon
  3. Sebastain cabot
  4. Capt: James Cook  

Abbasids ruled over most of the Islamic World from 750 AD till……….

  1. 1250 AD
  2. 1258 AD
  3. 1249 AD
  4. 1245AD

The battle of Uhad was fought in 14 The Making of Pakistan is written by:

  1. Stenly Walpert
  2. Richard Symounds
  3. Lawrence Zinring
  4. Howard Wriggins

River Nile finally falls in which of the following sea:

  1. Baltic
  2. Mediterranean Sea
  3. Red Sea
  4. Arabian Sea

Instrument used for measuring depth of Oceans:

  1. Fathom
  2. Hydrometer
  3. Fathometer
  4. None of these

Archimedes worked on………..

  1. Law of floatation of bodies
  2. Principle of Lever
  3. Both A and B
  4. Law of gravity

Arterial blood pressure is measured by:

  1. Manometer
  2. Cardiograph
  3. Barometer
  4. Sphygmomanometer

Bauxite is an one of……………

  1. Copper
  2. Iron
  3. Aluminum
  4. Manganese

The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called:

  1. Classifying
  2. Organizing
  3. Streamlining
  4. Sorting

The World Justice Project Rule of law index 2021 has ranked Pakistan out of 139 nations:

  1. 112th
  2. 125th
  3. 128th
  4. 130th

On October 08, 2021 the federal government issued a commemorative coin of Rs.70 to mark 70th year of diplomatic relations with:

  1. Germany
  2. South Korea
  3. France
  4. Switzerland

Taxila was famous site of:

  1. Early Vedic Art
  2. Gandhara Art
  3. Stone engraving
  4. Maya Art

When did Vasco da Gama come to India?

  1. 1490
  2. 1498
  3. 1493
  4. 1492

In 1757 Siraj-ud-Daula was defeated by:

  1. Canning
  2. Robert Clive
  3. Hastings
  4. Corn Wallis

Who among the following was the first Mughal with India?

  1. Akbar
  2. Jhangir
  3. Aurangzeb
  4. Shah Jahan

Babur laid foundation of Mughal Empire in 1526 by defeating:

  1. Daulat Khan Lodhi
  2. Ibrahim Lodhi
  3. Rana Singha
  4. Abuddin Khilji

Non-Cooperation Movement was launched by:

  1. Jawaharlal Nehru
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Ali brothers
  4. Subhash Chander boss

According to Government of India Act 1935 India had been divided into……Provinces.

  1. 7
  2. 11
  3. 15
  4. 18

The Cripps Mission visited India in…………

  1. 1927
  2. 1939
  3. 1942
  4. 1947

Quid-e-Azam presented his famous fourteen points in…………….

  1. 1906
  2. 1916
  3. 1929
  4. 1946

The Second constituent Assembly was created in Pakistan on……..

  1. May 28, 1955
  2. July 25, 1954
  3. August 14, 1955
  4. None of these

Which atom does not have a neutron?

  1. Oxygen
  2. Helium
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Nitrogen

Bio gas is the common name of………..

  1. Natural gas
  2. Oxygen gas
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Nitrogen

Recording of brain waves from outer surface of head is called……….

  1. ECG
  2. MRI
  3. CT Scan
  4. EEG

One million cycle per second is called………….

  1. Megabyte
  2. Megahertz
  3. Gigabyte
  4. Hexabyte

Which is the first former US president to face criminal charges?

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Bill Clinton
  4. Richard Nixon

Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of………….?

  1. 90
  2. 92
  3. 94
  4. 96

Who is the Current Prime Minister of UK?

  1. Rishi Sunak
  2. Boris Johnson
  3. Liz Truss
  4. None of these

Which country has the highest labour force?

  1. Sir Lanka
  2. China
  3. Brazil
  4. Pakistan

Which country has the largest reserves of Oil?

  1. United States
  2. China
  3. Russia
  4. Venezuela

Which Tennis star was deported from Australia after his unvaccinated status

  1. Rafael Nadal
  2. Novak Djokovic
  3. Roger Federer
  4. Danill Medvedev

Which province of Pakistan signed a sister-province agreement with the US state of California to promote trade, educational and cultural relations?

  1. KPK
  2. Punjab
  3. Sindh
  4. Baluchistan

The United Nations Population fund (UNFPA) says population is growing in Pakistan at an average annual rate of:

  1. 1.5%
  2. 1.9%
  3. 2.5%
  4. 2.9%

The Headquarter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is in………..

  1. Katmandu
  2. Jakarta
  3. New York
  4. Geneva

The first and only Pakistani woman to have summited Mount Everest successfully?

  1. Sana Mir
  2. Zeenat Jamal
  3. Samina Baig
  4. Anita Baig

The “Battle of Yermuk” was fought between Muslims and……………

  1. Romans
  2. Jews
  3. Iranis
  4. Buddhist

The seat of memory in the human brain is located in………..

  1. Medulla oblongata
  2. Cerebrum
  3. Cortex
  4. Cerebellum

What is the name of the ocean that lies between Europe and the United States?

  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. Pacific Ocean
  3. Arctic Ocean
  4. Mediterranean Sea

What height is known as “Death zone” where oxygen is insufficient for human life?

  1. 7500 meter
  2. 8000 meter
  3. 8500 meter
  4. 9000 meter


Identify the underlined word “Besides”.C) Conjunction
Identify the underlined word “bode”.A) Adjective
Identify the underlined word “staunchly”.B) Adverb
Identify the underlined word “yet”.A) Conjunction
Identify the underlined word “nevertheless”.B) Adverb
Choose the opposite of the underlined word “whirlwind”.C) very fast
Choose the opposite of the underlined word “diurnal”.A) nocturnal
Choose the opposite of the underlined word “degenerated”.C) Active
Identify the error in the sentence: “They managed to leave without any of us realized.”D) realized
Identify the error in the sentence: “Last but not the least, I would like to thank all of you.”D) All of you
Name the person who discovered Australia in 1606.B) William Janszoon
Abbasids ruled over most of the Islamic World from 750 AD till…B) 1258 AD
The battle of Uhad was fought in…14 The Making of Pakistan is written by:
River Nile finally falls in which of the following seas?B) Mediterranean Sea
Instrument used for measuring the depth of oceans.C) Fathometer
Archimedes worked on…C) Both A and B
Arterial blood pressure is measured by…D) Sphygmomanometer
Bauxite is one of…C) Aluminum
The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called…D) Sorting
The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2021 has ranked Pakistan out of 139 nations…A) 112th
On October 08, 2021, the federal government issued a commemorative coin of Rs.70 to mark 70th year of diplomatic relations with…B) South Korea
Taxila was a famous site of…B) Gandhara Art
When did Vasco da Gama come to India?B) 1498
In 1757, Siraj-ud-Daula was defeated by…B) Robert Clive
Who among the following was the first Mughal ruler in India?A) Akbar
Babur laid the foundation of the Mughal Empire in 1526 by defeating…B) Ibrahim Lodhi
Non-Cooperation Movement was launched by…B) Mahatma Gandhi
According to the Government of India Act 1935, India had been divided into…B) 11
The Cripps Mission visited India in…C) 1942
Quaid-e-Azam presented his famous fourteen points in…C) 1929
The Second Constituent Assembly was created in Pakistan on…A) May 28, 1955
Which atom does not have a neutron?C) Hydrogen
Biogas is the common name of…A) Natural gas
Recording of brain waves from the outer surface of the head is called…D) EEG
One million cycles per second is called…B) Megahertz
Which is the first former US president to face criminal charges?B) Donald Trump
Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of…C) 94
Who is the current Prime Minister of the UK?B) Boris Johnson
Which country has the highest labor force?B) China
Which country has the largest reserves of oil?C) Russia
Which Tennis star was deported from Australia after his unvaccinated status?B) Novak Djokovic
Which province of Pakistan signed a sister-province agreement with the US state of California to promote trade, educational and cultural relations?B) Punjab
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) says the population is growing in Pakistan at an average annual rate of…C) 2.5%
The headquarters of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is in…B) Jakarta
The first and only Pakistani woman to have successfully summited Mount Everest is…C) Samina Baig
The “Battle of Yermuk” was fought between Muslims and…A) Romans
The seat of memory in the human brain is located in…B) Cerebrum
What is the name of the ocean that lies between Europe and the United States?A) Atlantic Ocean
What height is known as the “Death zone” where oxygen is insufficient for human life?B) 8000

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